TiMe To UpdaTe Photos..!!
Racial HarmOny day..!!
All ThE mInahzZ Illegal gaTherIng..!! and The FrieNdLy FreNz gather To Take a SnaP..!!
BdaE BaSh..!! alL CovErEd Up Wit FloUr..!!

NDP meMorIeS WiT The MarshallEr...OuhKK..I duNnOe How to SpeLl..lets juz saY uSheR..
MissEs NDP loTsS..!!! HaizZ..!! eveRyoNe Cried Wen It EndEd..!!! Hah..!! so saD partInG away..!!
i Had dis fRen Hu Is Loner..shE tHe tyPe dat irrIatatE PpL n HaV No OrigiNaliTy..!!
she had Dis "fighT" every sinGlE tIme wiT all The FreNzz She Had MakE wiT... soTheRes Dis 1 Time i layaN hEr VerY well..Den ShE caMe uP to me and saiD daT i rEgardEd U as mY BesT freN..!! i was LikE waT tHe HeLl..?? PLZ lar..!! hu WanT To B Ur Fren..??!! can u STOP acTinG lIke mInah deN regard UrseLf As My FreN..N juZ To TeLl U daT SEDAR LAH DIRI AND U R MINAH TAK MENJADI..!! eVerYoNe AgrEeD wIt Me...
ChanGe UrseLf GerL...