I felt the need to be with you forever the want for you to hold me in your arms so tight we had a great love the first time you kissed me. I couldn't have been happier for all the times you said you'd love me until like you were going to loose me but baby i'm still alive the night you said it wasn't goin to work between us.I thought my life was at end.I cried for hours a day.I saw you with other girls the pain I felt was indescribable how could you hurt me so bad why do I flinch every time I hear the name __*******_____ all the words you said all the kisses we shared all the love we made was it all just a game but it was love just the same its been a few months since. I've last spoken to you but not a day goes by that I haven't thought of you i have one last question the remaining thought on my mind which in truth is going to be followed by many others. I want to know, _*******______ was it wasted love
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
I felt the need to be with you forever the want for you to hold me in your arms so tight we had a great love the first time you kissed me. I couldn't have been happier for all the times you said you'd love me until like you were going to loose me but baby i'm still alive the night you said it wasn't goin to work between us.I thought my life was at end.I cried for hours a day.I saw you with other girls the pain I felt was indescribable how could you hurt me so bad why do I flinch every time I hear the name __*******_____ all the words you said all the kisses we shared all the love we made was it all just a game but it was love just the same its been a few months since. I've last spoken to you but not a day goes by that I haven't thought of you i have one last question the remaining thought on my mind which in truth is going to be followed by many others. I want to know, _*******______ was it wasted love
Posted by ツ FiQaH at Tuesday, October 02, 2007
I promise
"I promise, I promise
to stay by your side."
So where are you now?
Looks like you lied.
"I promise I promise
we'll always be friends."
Another torn promise,
you ran in the end.
It wouldn't be right
to beg or to cry.
You don't have to wait
for an old friend to die.
You don't need to stay
when your heart wants to run.
you've done enough now
you loaded my gun
you opened the bottle
put the pills in my palm
and left me alone,
to wait for the calm.
"I promise to write
I promise to call."
I sat by the window
as spring turned to fall.
"I promise, I promise"
now look what you've done
in so many words
you loaded my gun.
......so much it seems the words of Man. But as said, the world's a stage and people are but the players. Written in thought of how it would be like to have to wait for someone...to wait....and wait......in vain.
Posted by ツ FiQaH at Tuesday, October 02, 2007
JuZ AnoTheR Day..

Posted by ツ FiQaH at Tuesday, October 02, 2007