Im CrazY LIke Dis ChiCKeN.

im AbiT Of CrazY tOdae..
dunnoe WhY..??
where ever i go..i was like.."ouh Hie..!!"
"hIe DarLInG..WeI..BroTheR..FaStEr LEh.."
" ArLowW..AunTy"
"itS BcOZ I sYg U Mah..!!"
i Noe..I admIt..abIt CrazY..HahA..Even My CollEuges aGrEE. wiT mE..
weLL i SaY " dUn Mind me..Im abIt CraZy.."
TheY sAy " Now U nOe.."
We weRe LikE "hAHAH..!!!!"
And Nt OnlY DAt..
he wAs Like layan me baik2 skali..infact he layan me bak puteri..
gagaga..!!( think..??)
sumtimes he do buli cube nk anuh flour at me
and juz now he tarik my dat was bcoz i called him aunty...haha..!! bcoz he had to do loBby..
alOt of things happen recently..
bt to many to say..
recently also had a fight wit my mother..n she kept complaining it to my father...
den fight wit both of them...
which give me no choice bt to tell my they neglect me..
watever it seem they like dun we to stay in e house anymore..
my father say "lebih baik kau bungkus pakaian kau..keluar dari rumah ini.."
nt juz once they have said it..several times..
bt there was one time i did dat..[ fight which involve my kasen]
my mum was like threatening me..
"kau berani keluar dari rumah ni..aku bunuh kau.."
i was like wat e heck..u halau me keluar dari rumah..n now..??
i juz think my mum is crazy bcoz she rembat my maid..until she run away..
i was wishing e maid take no news of her from e agent..
wat a nice maid..
i like e way she work..
everything was very clean..ur house feel like in heaven..
.....toDae TopIcs....
MostLy AboUt CrazY N GilErR...