yeaH...Me bAcK agaIn..!! i ThiNk IvE nt Been WrittInG 4 quite sumtime..
FiRstLy..HAPPY NEW YEAR..!! [eventhough its abit late]
yeaH...i juz wanna tell things dat happened lately..
im ok lah.
bt i juz dun like dis gerl hu work wit me..she's trying to drop my waterface on dat spot jugak sak..!!
aku sabar jer..
alot happened lar...
she's e person dat i cnnot trust..!!
she look down on NA n NT ppL..
well..u dun like e fact im NORMAL ACADEMIC..,.so let me tell u ...FUCK OFF LAH BITCH..!!
acTing so smart..
i juz cnnot put wat she does in words..
ALOT LAH..!! seCreT BEtwEeN me,wani,shyqin n diana..
u noe wat..if u realise it i will tell u dat..
.................evil of me to do dat....

.................evil of me to do dat....
bt im okay...
wat about skUl...??
skul first ever hw..COMpoSitIon..!!...
hate It..!!!