Friday, November 23, 2007

Yeah..i nOe...

YEAH...I nOe...
my BlOg is PlaIn..n WiLl AlWAyS bE...
It Juz sHoWs..How I leAd My LIfE...
im A SIMPLE persOn n LEaD a BuBBLy liFe...
...LikE evEryOne Im A pErsON WiT fEeLinGs..
Im SenSitIve ABiT..Bt AlwAyS bUbbLy...CheErFuL...
..MuSt SaY DAt Im AbiT Of AttEnTioN sEekEeR...YeaH..mOst PpL Do DAT...
..Im oUt-GoIn...
HoRRiBle SumTiMes...
AlwaYs GiVinG a CoMmEnT...
I AlwAyS CanT sTaY STILL...
**************************************** ****************************************
...FiQAH LURVE.....
...Her SisTaS...
Her LiSteNinG EaR...
...HEr GErlFreNS...
...HEr BoiFreNz...
..HeR SoUlmaTe...n HeaRtaChE...
...MosTLy ShE lOve EVERYONE..WHo is NicE to her...
...ShE lUrVE...PINK..!!
sHe LUrVe..HeR BrO...
N whEn goT mOneY...
To ShoP...
BlaNja HeR BroS..
..N sIStaS...
*********************** *************************

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

ME..!! yup2 me..

yuP2..2moro my first pay..!!
so here's e goin out wit hajarr, fizah n fatinn on e 30th nov...
im gonna belanja dem han river at eastpoint..
den do bit of shopping n take neoprints...
ALL wit my gorgeous sistas...
get e result for e subject allocation thingy... same class wit hajarr, fizah n myra..!!frenz eva guys..!!
fate noes dat we cnnot b seperated..!!
n of coz above all dis..
im crazy wit my crazy sista..TRISHAL..!!!
we're totally crazy wen goin out 2gether..!!
yeah i guess dats it...
n..n..check out does pics..i mean i loved it..!!

Friday, November 16, 2007

MorE pIchAss..!!

My BroS...
uniquely sinGapore..!!

e merlion..!!

its me again..!!

Hie GerFreN..!!
its Juz me again..!!
feeling kind of high n crazy todae...
fiqah biasa ah...
bt good..!!
so..i clean my room...folded all my clothes...washes my clothes....
yah..i good...
so..2moro off....
ouh no..!!!
nt to see her at home..
cnt go out..!!no pants..!![bt i dis month pay..i go to penni n buy pants...n clothes..!!]
lets go shopping..!!
so next is to update pics...i guess...
......nothing else i guess.....
im actuali bored...
cnt go to slep..n so im on e net...
YAH..!!i thiNk dats It...!!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Im sTill stuCk To e Com..!!

i promise dis willl be my last posr for today..[cross fingure..haha..]
alimost a month i work at kfc...
not bad actually..
i realised its better u work holidays time coz of more pay..
holidays u tend to work more days..therefore u get more pay...
they stert paying me frm e 29 of oct...
untill now..e 12 nov..i dun noe until e 17 my pay will be 360...exclucluding my off day..
i mean its alot den i imagine...
dat dae i finished work...arnd 1045 pm...
outside e kfc gt few guys was like saying...'cm pernah npk jer ni pompuan..'
den they shouted..'fiqah..!!'
i was shocked..!!coz e fact is i noe none of dem...
puzzled..! actually..!! they look at me wit dat kind of face...
i dare not juz walk away...
takut jugak i....
and yah..!!
work doesnt mean not tired..most of all im having FUN!!
Duh..!! and Im In LurVE..!!
wit SomeoNe who work there too...
and there was alot of new comers..
i was about almost a month..
they are juz..2-3 days old..i thought im e youngest..
so they are recruiting more ppl..coz alot want to resign..
..PooR..pOoR kfc....
gosh its late..!! i need a SlleP..!! cath u latErr..
i guess wen im fRee..!!

...Juz A few UpdatEs...

u noe me best..??
Why am i like dis..??
i had dis feeling bt yet dun noe wat it is..??!!
i wnt to noe wat it is..!!
ppL keeP LooKinG fOr me..!![ my deaR im busY..!1]
My LifE is okaY..[i guess..??!!]
bt at home feeL like loCking myselF in e room nt to come out to see mY mum..!!
theres alwaes things to fight our unhappiness amoung us...
dun noe why..
bt i guess..she hated me so much..
ader ke patut dier jeling aku...
my mum i used to noe is not like dat..and i juz miss my mum..!!
why do u hav to change..?
how i miss e old u..
and how i miss talking to u..
now..where cn i share my problem??
who noes me aniwae..
at home im juz alone..
no one notice me except for my dad....
how could u..??!!
u let me suffer dis..??
mum i miss u..!!must i be like dis forever,..??
why did u have to go..

wish upon e star...

I wished upon a shooting star
Falling to it's death
My wish came true
It brought me you
But only to show me
Share with me
What I can't have
I am like a star
Flickering in the night
One minute you make me feel so right
The next second I run away
Afraid of being happy
I am an angel with a broken wing
I hide it with a mask
I have so many deep wounds
I have been scared
It is not my fault
I am this way
He did it to me
He cut me so deep
So much hurt insideI
have hidden it well
But my heart has been torn
I feel like Hell
Please heal my wounds
Help me to love you
I already do
Help me to stay by your side
Before I fall to my lonely death
Just like the star that brought
me you

Saturday, November 10, 2007


miE...?? In Love agAin..??
Dis TiMe iTS 4 ReaL..!!! I juZ cNt SlEeP..alWaYs ThiNkiNg BoUt Him..!!
im Juz CraZy BouT di gUy..!! Far BettEr DeN SC..!!
i Had To MAKe a ChoIce To Forget sc..cOZ I nOE hE nEvA GoNNa BE mINe..n bTw..hE hAS sOMEoNE..!!
bUT WHY mUSt Dis gUy Hav e SamE namE as SC,..!!! LucKilY Its DiFFeREnT spellIng.!!


CurreNtLy Im baCk frM Cahlet 4 DAES 3 NITeS FOR My CASe..cOZ IM E EXCo MEMbERS wHIcH mEAn WE gOt To SaT aNOtHER nItE...Dat LAsT dae n NiTes waS a Real fun chaleT To Me..evEn e REst SaiD sO..It waS Far BettEr Den e 3 Daes 2 NitEs Chalet...
COOL..!! FuN..!! sLeeP AniTimE u WnT..WakE uP anItIme U WnT..n Do anIthiNg U wnT..!!
i learNt To pLAy e PSP...SshH..[i Udes Not To nOe playiNg Dat...]

i gueSs datS it...

ouh Yeah.., currEntly i start woRkinG at KFC, bedoK..
Ok lAh..not bad..get To Noe DiffEreNt kinD of ppl n theIr bEhaViors..
n All niCe ppL DEre...
