u noe me best..??
Why am i like dis..??
i had dis feeling bt yet dun noe wat it is..??!!
i wnt to noe wat it is..!!
ppL keeP LooKinG fOr me..!![ my deaR im busY..!1]
My LifE is okaY..[i guess..??!!]
bt at home feeL like loCking myselF in e room nt to come out to see mY mum..!!
theres alwaes things to fight our unhappiness amoung us...
dun noe why..
bt i guess..she hated me so much..
ader ke patut dier jeling aku...
my mum i used to noe is not like dat..and i juz miss my mum..!!
why do u hav to change..?
how i miss e old u..
and how i miss talking to u..
now..where cn i share my problem??
who noes me aniwae..
at home im juz alone..
no one notice me except for my dad....
how could u..??!!
u let me suffer dis..??
mum i miss u..!!must i be like dis forever,..??
why did u have to go..